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  • Writer's pictureIndal


The name comes from the Iberian "INDAL ECCIUS": the "messenger of the gods". The figure of the Indalo comes from the Neolithic. Archaeologist Manuel de Góngora y Martínez discovered this cave painting in the Cueva de los Letreros in Vélez-Blanco, Andalusia.

In the province of Almería and especially in Mojácar, this figure was used as a totem, bringer of luck. The inhabitants painted it on their houses to protect themselves from the evil eye and storms.

And indeed, Mojácar is where the family of the two brothers of the group Alexis and Loris comes from, as far back as the genealogical research undertaken by Alexis goes back.

Starting from a desire to return to its roots, LLOYD became INDAL in early 2022 to highlight the band's Spanish origins. Iberian and Andalusian sounds were already present in songs like Lust For Dreams and especially Black Haze which gave its name and tone to the concept album released in 2019. This name of INDAL and the symbolism that accompanies it seemed obvious at a time when the group needed to renew itself and take a new musical direction: more Blues, more Psychedelic, while staying true to the Rock sap that is part of its identity.

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